All external changes are automatically synchronized back to DocuWare.

This all-inclusive template works right out of the box and requires no customization!

DocuWare Office365 Sharepoint Online editing
DocuWare OneDrive Sharepoint Sync

Contract Management & Projects require collaborative exchange of documents

  • External users outside of DocuWare must be able to edit contract documents in office formats.

  • Modifications on contracts must be synced back.

  • Project Managers or Project Leads must share project related documents with external users.

  • Property Managers / Real Estate Managers sharing invoices and statements with tenants.

  • All shares need to be TIME-LIMITED (eg. 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, …)

How does it work?

DocuWare share document with externals
1. Select the documents you want to share and click “Share by email”
DocuWare share documents time limited period of time
2. Send the email to your mailhook address.
DocuWare OneDrive documents automatically share
3. Automatic upload to OneDrive, creation of the sharing link and email

Seamless integration into your environment!

“0” changes required. 5 min and everything is ready to go!

What’s in the box?

01 – Access to template for sharing

STAGE 1 - DocuWare to OneDrive SYNC - Time limited share
STAGE 2 - Sync OneDrive folder changes to DocuWare

02 – Access to the sync template on

03 – Step-By-Step Guide [PDF]

The All-Inclusive step-by-step guide for setting everything up. You need 5 min.

  • How to setup
  • Importing the templates
  • Usage in WebClient
  • Sharing with external users
DocuWare OneDrive Sync template Overview

Automatically create EXPIRING document shares in OneDrive.

Additional licenses


Included number of document shares


Included number of synchronizations


The ULTIMATE template for sharing documents.

Stop wasting time manually creating & maintaining shares & links!

  • No programming or customization required

  • Fully customizable to your environment

  • No extra license required (neither DW user license, nor Office365)

  • Ultra fast setup in 5 minutes

  • Works out-of-the-box

  • Uploads selected documents directly to OneDrive

  • OneDrive share expires after specified days

DocuWare internal tools

  • Manually download documents to local drive

  • Manually upload back to OneDrive

  • Create manually new share in OneDrive, set the expiration and send link

  • Or: Use URL Creator, requiring use of additional tools

Only share documents with externals, without sync?

This addon also comes in a “light” version. It exclusively distributes documents to parties outside the organization.

For 99€ without synchronization

Get a personal consultation.